(Photo: Marvel Comics)
Ok let's talk. Things are tough right now. Times are scary and uncertain. These are the things we've seen in movies and worse case scenarios we were never ready for. So we turn to comfort. Fears quenched by heroes panel to panel, frame by frame on pulp. I say this from experience. Being bullied comics got me through some of the hardest times in my life. The unbelievable has happened and with it an unbelievable hit to the industry. So here it is COVID-19 feels like a literal screenplay of fear. The numbers are running high and people are dying. The things we love are in jeopardy as the world around us changes with every update. We're scared. Now is the time more than ever comics are needed. The industry is going to change after all this and the bounce back is going to be tougher than ever before. This is a genre built on suspended belief, dreams and imagination that got us through the roughest times in our lives. It promised good over evil, heroes that could touch the sky and villains that could engulf worlds. What's next? This week's announcement that Diamond is stopping new comics was a huge stunner. This indeed was a new reality for retailers and consumers alike. With no foreseeable end so far in sight we are day to day surviving with bated breath locked behind our doors. Now is the time comics need US. The genre that was always the reliable escapism to our wildest dreams now needs us. With our only connections nearly digital right now as we wait for a storm to pass now is the time to prepare to rebuild. I for one know I'm making plans for the very heroes that helped save me. This is a time for an uprising of independent voices to fill a call for action while our favorite heroes go on a sabbatical. Let's all support each others art. Keep the homefires burning by joining together. We're our own justice league now and all hope is never lost. Artists. Writers. Weave stories that get the escapism we so desperately need right now and look towards a new dawn breaking. Not all heroes wear capes after all...we sit under desk lights...blue lines and microns in tow. Go to your closet....dust off that cape. Let's SAVE comics.